Life can live only as an independent unit whole. It can never break or stretch its unit order on its own by external or internal conditions. Life began in a single cell. All cells come from pre-existing sells as life can come from life only. One cell divides and becomes two. The division is a fact. But this division occurs in complete units. If we try to divide a watch or an automobile in half, the result would be two piles of parts, neither pile able to function as watch or an automobile. But it is very different when a cell divides. Each divided cell has all the parts nucleus and other structures, that were present in the original cell and each can carry on all the activities of the original cell. Life preserves the same independent unit order in the form of a multi- cellular organism. A single cell has the ability to form all the cells of a multi-cellular organism.  For example if a cell has to become a frog it must have the knowledge in the nucleus of the cell which is transmitted from generation to generation. The biologists speak of this as ‘ genetic continuity’ which produces generation after generation the offspring that are similar (though not identical) to their parents. Genetic continuity applies not only to the individuals but to the cells as well. When a frog cell divides, the daughter cells that are produced they are frog cells only. We learn from this that though each cell has deep but limited knowledge of becoming a multi-cellular species of frog whose characteristics are firmly laid in the DNA heredity material it cannot transgress this knowledge on its own and steadily become another species by specializing through somatic exercises or adapting itself with the environmental conditions. If nature would not have strictly preserved each species as a distinct unit of life, species would have intermingled and caused confusion. As a consequence, life would have been destroyed. This supports that no species can ever break its unit order on its own to become another species. The new species however, slightly it may differ, must appear suddenly by a total change in its DNA heredity material at the very root level of  embryology.  


Biologists define species as a group of individuals all of which can potentially interbreed with one another and strictly preserve their distinct characteristics. The following facts establish that nature is interested in preserving each species as an indivisible distinct unit of life.

a)     No species has ever engendered another species.


b)    If species are intercrossed the off- springs are endowed with sterility. This reveals that nature wants to prevent confusion; for species living together could hardly have been kept distinct had they been capable of freely crossing.


c)    Each species exists as a group of individuals within which genetic material can flow freely but which is genetically isolated from other groups. The species can be recognized as an especially meaningful category in taxonomy because its genetic isolation permits it to develop independently, thus producing distinct features.


d)    The fact that nature strictly preserves all the essential characteristics of a species in the DNA heredity material in the nucleus of each cell establishes that nature is interested in maintaining each species as a distinct individual unit of life.


e)    If species would have descended by evolving variations very slowly over a long period of time as stressed by Darwin, the animal kingdom would have been littered with intermediate organisms and confused the animal world. It establishes that each species was a sudden and special creation.


f)     Darwin says variations develop slowly and gradually over a long period of time and most of them become extinct because of lacking fitness and other unfavorable conditions. However, the scientific research has shown that fossil records speak of sudden changes. No intermediary or transitional forms have been found in the geological strata. In other words unbridgeable gulfs exist between the species. These facts establish that every object organic or inorganic exists as a unit whole and cannot by evolving slow gradual changes in it develop into another unit order on its own. If the biologists think that a species may slowly change into a new species on its own it is against the fundamental law of nature which says that no individuality can ever break on its own the heredity instructions laid in the form of codes in the DNA heredity material and change its distinct characteristics. Any change in its individuality is suicidal for it. Hence the change if any, it must be total new and sudden change distinct from the preceding one. That new species have emerged by sudden total change in DNA genetic material is accepted by the biologists. They call it emergent creation. Even various evolutionists before Darwin such as Geoffrey St. Hillarie in France and Robert Chambers in Britain, developed evolutionary hypotheses which stressed that abrupt changes occur during embryological development.


g)    The DNA molecule of each species with all its characteristics exists as a unit whole. No bodily acquired characters as a result of use or disuse of certain organs by way of exercise; injury resistance of flies to insecticides or environmental conditions can ever be translated to DNA heredity material which remains sealed. These acquired characters therefore, are not passed on to the off–spring, which may cause variation.


The modern biology has reveled that in each species its DNA molecule (heredity material) which exists in it as a unit whole controls the form and characteristics of the species in minutest detail and the same are inherited by the off-springs of the species. That no change, however, minute it may be can occur in the DNA molecule and if by rare mistake due to mal-function of the DNA molecule certain change occurs in the DNA that change or what the biologists call it mutation being unnatural is never healthy for adaptation. Such mutations usually prove lethal and if any animal has been able to survive, it is endowed with sterility or remains as neutral. This scientific  fact establishes that nature is interested in preserving the individuality of each species as a distinct unit of life. It further establishes that origin of species by modification of variations as claimed by Darwin is unfounded as variations never occur.


The scientists raise a number of objections against acceptance of Darwin’s theory such as:


a)     From so many groups of animals, there is not the slightest evidence that any one of the major groups arose from any other. Hence the scientists believe that instead of evolution by process of gradual development, it has come about by a series of jumps from one major form of life to another.


b)    Any variation has to be of immediate value to its possessor if it is to give him a better chance of survival than his fellows. What is the survival value of the first dim beginning of an eye, an ear, etc?


c)    If the giraffe with its eight-foot neck is the product of natural selection and an example of the survival of the fittest, what about the sheep with its neck not longer than a few inches? How has it survived without a long neck?


d)    If sheep evolved horns because they aided survival, how can one account for the survival of varieties of sheep which survive just as well without them? Why were not the hornless ones eliminated by the process of natural selection?


e)    How was the gigantic gap between the inanimate elements of earth and a living cell filled up?


f)     Is it not a fact that nearly all biologists are in virtually unanimous agreement that all life derives from preceding life only? If so, how to solve the riddle of first life?


g)    How can a single celled organism such as amoeba initiate a new organ such as an eye? How could it know that eye would be an improvement if it had never seen before? Did all the complicated parts of an eye evolved simultaneously? If the answer be in the affirmative, then it would be admittedly an act of creation rather than evolution and if answer be in the negative then a partial eye would be a serious disadvantage to the organism and would be eliminated in due course of time.

h)    Single-celled organism such as amoeba reproduce asexually by dividing themselves into two. This system of production is satisfactory because such organisms are still with us multiplying in the same way. What was the need of converting this asexual system into sexual one? How could male and female sex organs that perfectly compliment each other evolve gradually by change, paralleling each other. Half– completed useless organs cannot survive.


These are some of the objections which scientists and biologist raise against the evolutionary theory of Darwin and there are a host of other questions which have not been answered by the evolutionists. The question is can we kill the Darwin’s theory by simply raising objections. The evolutionists can go on building endlessly new arguments in favour of origin of species as there are millions of species which exist. It is because the theory of evolution is not laid on scientific or rational grounds.

 In the next pages we shall analyse Darwin’s theory in the light of our work underlying creation of the rational universe in successive creative stages.


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