Press News

The Universe Beyond: Spiritual Interpretation of the

By M. Munir

 (Dawn Newspaper, Karachi, Pakistan)

 Earth, infinitesimally small, smaller than even a speck in the mind boggling vastness of the
universe, nevertheless, is a prized entity as there lives in its recesses man who though
overawed by the gigantic system, surrounding his small habitat, not in the least over-powered by
its magnitude.

On the other hand, his fragile self, his short span of life not with standing, he has the tendency,
something inherent in his being to look beyond, a longing for new heights.

But how did he attain this top slot? Was it an accident or it was through the process of
evolution as propounded in "Origin of Species", a theory not challenged so far holds sway.

The book, a profound attempt on unravelling the secrets of universe and beyond gives a
different picture. It does not contradict the process of development in so far as it goes from
lower to higher forms of life. What it does contradict is its continuity, unbroken like a thread
stretched from point to point.

According to it the development had taken place in stages. A stage of development when it had
run its course got sealed, immutably fixing the values attained at the stage. Next stage,
simultaneously starting at its lowest rung, dominated the earlier stages as it progressed. If this
was not so, the book claims, and had the process of development continued unchecked at each
stage (varieties kept coming up) there would have been chaos and higher forms of life would
not have emerged. So came man, what the book calls a big leap, starting with amoeba (with
human cell) simultaneously with the sealing of animal stage, when it had ran its course, the
values attained getting fixed. And he, coming in the last a self-conscious entity, all creative
activity was directed towards which sits at the top of all creations dominating all earlier stages.
In all there were eight such stages the book claims.

The book says outside development, spread over millions of years had its parallel within;
squeezed within it turned into enlightenment.

What the book attempt is, "to understand the scientific discoveries under the revelations made
in Quran". According to it, "the nature of development of universe is not mechanical; the
universe is a creation and its creations in successive rational orders implies appearances of
greater and greater cognition and appreciation as creation of possibilities, attributes and beauty
of its creator as it develops from stage to stage and come nearer the desire and will of creator".

The book nevertheless says that there does not exist any absolute stationary frame of
reference. It extensively quotes from Quran. The strain of rationalising which runs unbroken
like a thread through out its discourses, nevertheless, is admirable the discourses though brief,
subject would not allow stepping out of line, are pregnant with meaning showing the labour of
love and a high degree of commitment. The range of this not voluminous book is as
encompassing as its subject and its approach as scholarly as it is enlightening. For instance
when it discusses as to how what it calls the infinite gaps between the conscious and
intellectual levels of different stages are bridged? How the system works in polarity and
plurality that even galaxies exist in groups, occasionally embracing each other, a sort of mating.
And when the discourse leans towards sublimity it tells us as to how the finality of the
prophethood was necessary or how a soul is immortal. It enthrals a reader like me when it says
while discussing the Big Bang (there was nothing, not even empty space out side for the Big
Bang to explode into) that the chaos and unimaginably high temperatures 

resulted, when matter separated with the Bang from its source, agitated. And the rationalisation
which followed immediately thereafter culminating in emergence of man, a self-conscious self,
an attribute of the creator, if any thing it was expression of its (matters) inmate desire to find its
way back to its source.

The contents of the chapter 7, 8 and 9 further renew ones belief in his own self as against the
absurdity of existence that dominates the modern human thought giving rise to ethnicity, crime,
corruption, sexual perversions and what not, a natural corollary when the sight is thwarted of its
vision beyond. The book says "the higher life the individual with a developed personality (as
desired by the creator) is capable of living after his life in this material world is called heavenly
life or the life of paradise. On the other hand the onward march of the personalities who could
not fully develop in the present world is bound to be thwarted, this kind of life is called an
infernal life or life of hell.

Of late it is felt that as the science has progressed Quranic revelations have become more
relevant, helping to understand microcosm with or against macrocosm. This brings in a
relationship harmonious helping growth of man to stages far and high, giving him respectability
which should be his while he travels through universe to a destination that lies beyond.