Reverence To The Holy Prophet

Q. The Messenger would enjoy that privileged status in the Paradise only after being rewarded. Then what kind of a Messenger he is?

A. Which is superior, the Paradise or the Prophet? The Prophet is superior; Paradise is but the abode of the slaves of the Prophet. Now as far reward. The Quran says.

(The Messenger came here having already been rewarded)

Which shows that the Prophets of Allah were first rewarded and then sent to this world. Just as we would eat and drink in the Paradise after having been rewarded, but would never need anything, the Prophets also came here alongwith their rewards. They too therefore didn't want anything. They were only role-models for us to learn how to run the affairs of the world and how to lead our lives properly, yet they themselves were not needful.

For example:

We eat and our shadow like us is also seen eating. After some time we are satiated but the shadow is not satiated. It only looks like eating while we actually eat.

Similarly when we do something in light our shadow is also seen fulfilling that need but this is not the case where there is no sun (or light). This proves that the likeness or shadow has shown the way to fulfill a need but in fact it does not need anything.

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    Published by:

    A Humble Servant of the lovers of the Messenger of Allah, Makhdoomzada, Syed Mohammad Amir Qasim Shah

    Translated from Urdu to English By:

    Mr. Abdul Qayum, Chief Interpreter, Mr. Jahanzeb Shah, Interpreter, National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan.