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CTP has been taking up matters relating to resource constraints and deficiencies with the government form time to time, some of them which need immediate attention are: 

1.Proposal for special grant for provision of logistic 
Resources/equipment for the CTP.

The said proposal reference D.O.NO. 10-1/1345/A, date 21.07.97 addressed to secretary Interior, Government of Pakistan is regarding the revamping of CTP. The request for special grant pertains to police buildings, transport, wireless equipment, equipment for special branch and computerization the total cost of which comes to 121.760 Million rupees. 

2.Establishmen of F.C.District in Islamabad.
Reference No.3083-84/E, dated 12-07-97 addressed to the chief commissioner, ICT and with a copy to Secretary Interior, Islamabad, request about the cited subject was made which would help spare police constabulary deployed on security duties especially on foreign missions which can be used for crime control and public order. 

3.Expeditious and speedy justice and speedy disposal of cases.
On the directions of government a complete case was sent to chief commissioner, ICT, with reference no.2-25/1725/IGP/C, date 30.06.97.The total cost calculated was 51.663 Million rupees, which involved manpower, transport and establishing of forensic laboratory.

4.Measures for apprehension of car lifters and other criminals.
Since majority of criminals challenged in ICT have their abode in areas outside Islamabad, a D.O no7-25/1893/IGP/C, dated 14.07.97 addressed to the secretary, Ministry of interior, government of Pakistan was sent, containing the suggestions to track down such elements so that the general crime situation in Islamabad could improve. 

5.request for notification of police training center. 

6.At present there are five in going residential and hospital schemes that need completion and fourteen approved schemes that have not been allocated any funds. Development budget for the completion is required. 

7.constructuion of offices of central police office, Islamabad. 

8.up-gradation of assistant inspector general’s posts. 

9.The ATS allowance be given to the qualified personnel at par with toe allowance given to the provincial police.